I would first suggest taking any suspect plant to your county's local extension office,
they will check the plant out for free and that way you will know for sure that
you should treat for mites or something else.
There are many other causes that appear to be mites..
Please do not treat for mites unless you are POSITIVE that you actually have mites.
Here are CLOSE-UP photos of a Cyclamen Mite ALSO NOTE:
Look at this image of just how small a Cyclamen mite really is.
Cyclamen Mite will cause leaf distortion in the new/center leaves.
Di-Syston by Bonide, it "MAY SAY" it kills mites,
but it DOES NOT kill "Cyclamen mites" which is the most common mites on African violets..
Plants treated with D-Syston still had Cyclamen mites even after 30 days of treatment
Broad Mites
Two-Spotted Spider Mite
Symptoms from this mite is similar to Spider mites
Discard badly infested plants
Safer Soaps, but might be too hard on Violets
and/or treat ALL Plants with a good miticide:
Avid, Akari, Floramite
or Pylon
Spider Mites
Leaves are turning yellow.
There will be webbing over flower buds, between leaves or under leaves.
If you look close enough you can see these moving around.
'ORTHENE' will help, Treat weekly
so you kill the newly hatched eggs.
Or treat ALL plants with a good miticide like AVID
Rosemania Avid 8oz $99.95AVID
Avid is expensive, but one of the Best Miticides available.
Avid is somewhat systemic in that it penetrates into
treated foliar plant cells where it remains active
while the material that remains on the leaf surface rapidly breaks down.
(source: Texas A & M University, Agricultural Extention Service)
Usage is 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water,
so the 8oz bottle will go a long way
It's VERY IMPORTANT to use Chemical gloves when working with Avid
Also wear long sleeves, pants, eye protection and a mask
After treatment is done, remove clothes for washing and take a shower
Even though spraying works very well, some people want to hand dip each plant instead
The advantage of this, is that you cover 100% of the plant with Avid
Plus you won't have to worry as much with breathing in the Avid from the spray mist
But still wear long sleeves, gloves and eye protection because you will still splash Avid
Trusted Sources of Avid and other Miticides:
B. T. Growers Supply
Cape Cod Violetry - Call (508) 548-2798
John there can answer ANY and ALL your mite questions that you may have!To learn more on mites check out these other pages:
To contact me Steverd@steverd.com