Micro African violets are also sometimes called: Microminis or Microminiature.
They are African violets that are extremely small. The leaves may be 1/4" or even smaller.
General Micro African violet care:
Because of there small size be sure to keep their soil moist, but not wet.
It's best to wick water micro violets or you can also use the 1-1/2" Oyama Pots
but again do not let the Oyama pots dry out.
Propagation of Micro African violets:
I like to pick a larger size leaf from the micro violet.
Cut the stem at an angle as you would any violet and put into your starter mix.
I like to use a starter mix with less perlite for these small leaves.
Then the most important thing is to keep the humidity up.
I use a zip lock bag. I watering the leaf once and then seal the bag.
I just put under grow lights and forget about them for a few week.
The BOLD violets are the smallest.
Teeny Bopper
Teen Bopper flower
Micro-Mini African Violet links
Growing The Micro-Mini African Violets and Gesneriads by Fran Traylor
This website has many great photos!
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To contact me Steverd@steverd.com