African Violet photo

Reed's Greenhouse Micro African Violet page

Micro African violets are also sometimes called: Microminis or Microminiature.

They are African violets that are extremely small. The leaves may be 1/4" or even smaller.

General Micro African violet care:
Because of there small size be sure to keep their soil moist, but not wet.
It's best to wick water micro violets or you can also use the 1-1/2" Oyama Pots
but again do not let the Oyama pots dry out.

Propagation of Micro African violets:
I like to pick a larger size leaf from the micro violet.
Cut the stem at an angle as you would any violet and put into your starter mix.
I like to use a starter mix with less perlite for these small leaves.
Then the most important thing is to keep the humidity up.
I use a zip lock bag. I watering the leaf once and then seal the bag.
I just put under grow lights and forget about them for a few week.

Here's a list of tiny Minis and Micro African violets
Original list by: M3rma1d

Fruit Fly
Li'l Periscope
Lil Thornbird
Little Chippery Trail
Little Jayhawker
Little Thornbird
Midget Bon Bon
Midget Gumdrop
Midget Lillian
Misty Miss
Optimara's "Little Gems" series
Pip Squeek
Pixie Runaround
Rainbow's End
Rob's Twinkle Blue
Rob's Twinkle Pink
Rob's Voodoo Blue
Skagit Toy Nugget
Teeny Bopper
Tiny Moon Goddess
Tiny Wood Trail
Tundra Trumpets

The BOLD violets are the smallest.

Micro violet photos

Teeny Bopper
Teen Bopper flower

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Micro-Mini African Violet links

Growing The Micro-Mini African Violets and Gesneriads by Fran Traylor
This website has many great photos!

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