African Violet Articles online
African Violet Habitat in Kenya
African Violets, the Perfect Plant Pet
African Violet Tom
African Violets: When Small is Beautiful
Basement Beauties
Biologist works to save the violets
African Violet Commercial Greenhouse Production
Company has international presence – Breeding violets
Cultivate violets with common sense
Flower lovers are anything but blue about African violets
Give African violets the care they crave
Got Mildew? Get Milk
Guide to Chimera African Violets Propagation with Keikigrow
Happy Trails
Have No Fear Of African Violets
Here are the cures for what ails your African violets
Martha Stewart and Paul Sorano on African Violets
Micropropagation of Chimera African Violets
Nashville African violet grower is one of best in field (Optimara)
Neem Oil: Facts and Practical Experiences
Plant Lore: The African Violet and Impatiens
Raise African violets and see nostalgia bloom
The Real Dirt: All About African Violets
Saintpaulia: Taxonomy, Ecology and Distribution
by Dr. Jeff Smith
UREA In Our Fertilizer
by Nancy Robitaille
Variety and versatility
The Wizard of Wasps & Unusual Hybrids!
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